No greater teaching force has ever been discovered than the story and no one has ever lived who used that force so skillfully as did our Great Teacher. It is not strange, then, that among all the stories that have ever been written or told none are so dear to us as the stories and legends which center in His birth. Young and old alike delight in them and never tire of hearing them.
The Legend Of The "White Gifts"
Her Birthday Dream
The Fir Tree
The Little Match Girl
Little Piccola
The Shepherd's Story
The Story Of Christmas
The Legend Of The Christmas Tree
Little Jean
How The Fir Tree Became The Christmas Tree
The Magi In The West And Their Search For The Christ
Little Gretchen And The Wooden Shoe
The Little Shepherd
The Boy With The Box
The Worker In Sandalwood
The Shepherd Who Didn't Go
Paulina's Christmas
Unto Us A Child Is Born
The Star