Stories from Hans Andersen

Stories from Hans Andersen

Por H. C. Andersen

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THE SNOW QUEEN One day he was in a high state of delight because he had invented a mirror Many a winter's night she flies through the streets Then an old, old woman came out of the house She has read all the newspapers in the world, and forgotten them again, so clever is she 'It is gold, it is gold!' they cried Kissed her on the mouth, while big shining tears trickled down its face The Snow Queen sat in the very middle of it when she sat at home THE NIGHTINGALE Even the poor fisherman ... lay still to listen to it 'Is it possible?' said the gentleman-in-waiting. 'I should never have thought it was like that' Took some water into their mouths to try and make the same gurgling, ... thinking so to equal the nightingale The music-master wrote five-and-twenty volumes about the artificial bird Even Death himself listened to the song THE REAL PRINCESS 'I have hardly closed my eyes the whole night! Heaven knows what was in the bed. I seemed to be lying upon some hard thing, and my whole body is black and blue this morning. It is terrible!' (Frontispiece) THE GARDEN OF PARADISE His grandmother had told him ...

H. C. Andersen