Act in a Split Second - First Aid Manual of the US Army

Act in a Split Second - First Aid Manual of the US Army

Por U.S. Department of Defense

Formato: EPUB  
Disponibilidad: Descarga inmediata


This e-book thoroughly explains and shows the necessary first aid measures for all types of casualties. Whether you are faced with airway obstructions, head injury, fracture or snakebite, this e-book will teach you how to help either yourself or others. Be prepared to act in a split second and save someone's life! Content: Fundamental Criteria for First Aid: Understanding Vital Body Functions for First Aid Terminology Basics of First Aid Evaluating Causality... Basic Measures for First Aid: Open the Airway and Restore Breathing Breathing Process Assessment of and Positioning the Casualty Rescue Breathing (Artificial Respiration) Mouth-to-Mouth Method Mouth-to-Nose Method Heartbeat Stop the Bleeding and Protect the Wound Entrance and Exit Wounds Manual Pressure Digital Pressure Tourniquet Check for Shock Causes and Effects Signs and Symptoms... Specific Injuries: Head, Neck and Facial Injuries Chest Wounds Abdominal Wounds Burn Injuries Dressings and Bandages... Fractures: Signs and Symptoms Splints, Padding, Bandages, Slings, and Swathes Upper Extremity Lower Extremity Jaw, Collarbone and Shoulder Spinal Column Neck Climatic Injuries: Heat Injuries Cold Injuries Bites and Stings: Snakes Human or Animal Bites Marine Animals Insects... Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Environment: Classification of Chemical and Biological Agents Conditions for Masking Signs and Symptoms Background Information on Nerve Agents Blister Agents Choking Agents (Lung-Damaging Agents) Cyanogen (Blood) Agents Incapacitating Agents Toxins Nuclear Detonation... Psychological Reactions: Situations Requiring Psychological First Aid Respect for Others' Feelings Emotional and Physical Disability Combat and Other Operational Stress Reactions Severe Stress or Stress Reaction Reactions and Limitations...

U.S. Department of Defense