Essential Novelists - Lord Dunsany

Essential Novelists - Lord Dunsany

Essential Novelists

Por Lord Dunsany

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Welcome to the Essential Novelists book series, were we present to you the best works of remarkable authors. For this book, the literary critic August Nemo has chosen the two most important and meaningful novels of Lord Dunsanywhich are The King of Elfland's Daughterand Don Rodriguez - Chronicles of Shadow Valley. Edward Plunkett,18th Baron of Dunsany, was an Anglo-Irish writer and dramatist; his work, mostly in the fantasy genre, was published under the name Lord Dunsany. More than ninety books of his work were published in his lifetime, and both original work and compilations have continued to appear. Dunsany's uvre includes many hundreds of published short stories, as well as plays, novels and essays Novels selected for this book: -The King of Elfland's Daughter -Don Rodriguez - Chronicles of Shadow Valley This is one of many books in the seriesEssential Novelists. If you liked this book, look for the other titles in the series, we are sure you will like some of the authors.

Lord Dunsany