The State of Political Science in Western Europe

The State of Political Science in Western Europe

Por Hans-Dieter Klingemann (Editor)

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This volume is the definite statement on the current state of political science as a discipline in Western Europe. Detailfour chapters portray European developments. To know about the historical development, the organization of teaching and research, professional communication, and the chances of students of political science in the job market is of essential importance to political scientists, university administrators, and policy makers national, European, and global. This is particularly true after the Bologna Declaration when universities across Europe were asked to adopt (1) a system of easily readable and comparable degrees, (2) a system based on two cycles, (3) the establishment of a common system of credits, (4) to increase student and teacher mobility, (5) to assure quality standards, and (6) to improve the European dimension in teaching. The book informs on these general issues and reports country specific developments.

Hans-Dieter Klingemann