Quintessence of Dental Technology 2021–2022

Quintessence of Dental Technology 2021–2022


Por Duarte Sillas Jr

Formato: EPUB  
Disponibilidad: Descarga inmediata


QDT 2021–2022 introduces new digital concepts and novel treatment strategies that are sure to inspire the laboratory technician and restorative clinician. Original articles describe the digital alveolar support technique, digital impression strategies for more predictable final restorations, a modified All-on-4 concept that retains teeth for natural dentofacial esthetics, and a new crown-lengthening approach for optimal soft tissue healing. "Biomaterials Update" explores gradient multilayered zirconia for expanding the indication of monolithic zirconia to the esthetic zone. These are but a sampling of the information-packed articles in this beautifully produced annual publication.

Duarte Sillas Jr