The Little Praince

The Little Praince

Por Oliver Wurm

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About this book. On April 6, 1943, the book The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was published for the first time in New York. Since then, it has inspired and touched people from all over the world. It has been translated into over 500 languages and dialects and printed in a total print run of well over 200 million copies. On his 80th birthday, we asked ourselves: Are the core messages from 1943 still relevant in 2023? Would the geog-rapher still recommend Earth as his next travel destination? And if so, how would the Little Prince move around the Earth today? What would his morning routine look like? Would he be on Instagram and Twitter? Would he go to a Fridays For Future-demo? What podcast would he listen to? What speech would he give at the UN General As-sembly? And, of course, also important: Which soccer club would his Little Prince's heart beat for? On November 30, 2022, the US startup OpenAI made the artificial intelligence ChatGPT" available to the public. The name stands for Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer. The chatbot is based on a machine learning model that understands human input and responds in a natural-sounding way. We took the opportunity to ask the great intelligence about the Little Prince - 23 questions, fitting for the year 2023. The bot's answers: profound, surprising - and sometimes wonderfully crazy. Enjoy The little PrAInce, Oliver Wurm

Oliver Wurm

Oliver Wurm is a German author and media entrepreneur who has already published many books and magazines. He was awarded Journalist of the Year in the Independent Magazine category by the Lead Award Academy in 2019. In 2020, he received the Federal Cross of Merit from the Federal Republic of Germany. Oliver Wurm is 53 years old and lives and works in Hamburg.