Selections from Modern Poets

Selections from Modern Poets

Por Rupert Brooke, Francis Burrows, Padraic Colum, Robin Flower, G. K. Chesterton, Robert Graves, Ivor Gurney, Hilaire Belloc, Ralph Hodgson, James Joyce, John Freeman, Lascelles Abercrombie, D. H. Lawrence, Maurice Baring, Harold Monro, Almudena Negro Konrad, Seumas O'Sullivan, Rose Macaulay, Siegfried Sassoon, John Collings Squire (Editor), Edward Wyndham Tennant, Francis Brett Young

Formato: ePub  (Adobe DRM)
Disponibilidad: Descarga inmediata


In 'Selections from Modern Poets,' readers are invited to explore the dynamism of early 20th-century poetry through a carefully curated collection that traverses an array of themes and styles. Capturing the zeitgeist of modernism, these works encapsulate the transformative years surrounding World War I, imbued with the tension of tradition and innovation. From poignant war reflections to explorations of identity and introspection, the anthology juxtaposes varied literary movements within a singular, compelling volume. The diversity of poetic forms and the profound emotive depth present in this collection make it a rich tapestry of voices, inviting readers to immerse themselves into the stirring currents of modernity. The anthology brings together an impressive assembly of poets, offering a veritable who's who of the period's literary milieu. Figures synonymous with the era, such as James Joyce and D. H. Lawrence, stand alongside evocative voices like Rupert Brooke and Siegfried Sassoon. These authors draw from distinct backgrounds and experiences, from the trenches of war to the salons of literary discourse, unified under the modernist ethos. Collectively, they address the shifting landscapes of a world in flux, contributing to a broader understanding of the era's cultural and artistic undertakings. 'Representing an expansive range of perspectives, 'Selections from Modern Poets' serves as a crucial entry point into the world of early 20th-century poetry. It offers a microcosm of the divergent ideas, experiments, and emotions that characterize the modernist movement. For lovers of literature and students of history alike, this anthology presents a unique opportunity not only to witness the birth of new poetic expression but also to appreciate the varied voices that challenged and redefined a period marked by profound change. The collection invites readers on a journey through complex themes and compelling insights, fostering a richer dialogue about this pivotal moment in literary history."}

Francis Brett Young

Robert Graves naci ó en Wimbledon, Londres, en 1895, y muri ó en 1985 en Dei à , Mallorca, donde resid í a desde hac í a cuarenta a ñ os. Luch ó en la primera guerra mundial, donde fue gravemente herido – relat ó sus experiencias en Adi ó s a todo eso (1929) – , estudi ó en Oxford y fue profesor de literatura inglesa en la universidad de El Cairo. En 1929 se estableci ó en la poblaci ó n de Dei à . Al estallar la segunda guerra mundial, tuvo que abandonar la isla, adonde regres ó al acabar la contienda. A lo largo de su vida, simul ­ tane ó la escritura de poes í a con la de ensayos po é tico-antropol ó gicos, como La diosa blan ­ ca (1948), y novelas hist ó ricas, como Yo, Clau ­ dio (1934) y Claudio, el dios, y su esposa Mesalina (1943), que gozaron de gran é xito y dieron pie a una c é lebre serie televisiva. Fue tambi é n un estudioso de la mitolog í a hebrea, sobre la que escribi ó , en colaboraci ó n con Raphael Patai, Los mitos hebreos (1964), y la mitolog í a griega, de la que es una buena muestra el volumen Dioses y h é roes de la antigua Grecia (1961).