

Por Ilona Choudhury, Katy Darby (Editor), Carolyn Eden, Uschi Gatward, Elizabeth Hopkinson, J A Hopper, Julia Kent, Swati Khurana, Arike Oke, Cherry Potts (Editor), Jenny Ramsay, Lucy Ribchester, Jennifer Rickard, Fiona Salter, Peng Shepherd, Elizabeth Simon, Rosalind Stopps, Elizabeth Stott, Joanne L. M. Williams

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In Collaboration with Liars League. A celebration of the centenary of women in the UK getting the vote. Stories about women by women, which have been performed at one of Liars' League's events in London, Hong Kong, New York or Portland, Everything from fantasy and historical through magic realism to SF and humour.

Joanne L. M. Williams

Rosalind Stopps lives and works in South East London, which provides endless inspiration. She has an MA in Creative Writing from Lancaster University and is currently working on her third novel. Rosalind’s story for London Lies, The Suitcase was originally read at Liars’ League in April 2009 as part of the Bridge & Tunnel evening.She has two stories in Stations: How to Grow Old in Brockley is set in Brockley and pays homage to that classic tale of Love and Trains: Brief Encounter. Recipes for a Successful Working Life is set at Norwood Junction and is a tale of work-place bullying and pizza ovens. and two stories in Lovers’ Lies, How to Survive the Olympics with a Broken Heart, and Monsieur Fromage.