An Outbreak of Peace

An Outbreak of Peace

Por Cherry Potts (Editor)

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November 2018 marks the centenary of the end of WWI. After all the commemorative works of art over the past four years, we felt it was important to reflect on what comes after - an outbreak of peace, and what that means to the combatants and those left at home. This wide ranging collection brings together stories and poems from many countries, on both sides of the 1914-18 conflict, find their inspiration in many wars and their endings.

Cherry Potts

Cherry Potts is the Director of Arachne Press, for whom she is editor of all our anthologies and runs the Annual Solstice Shorts Festival. Cherry is the author of an epic fantasy novel, two collections of short stories, a photographic diary of a community opera, and has had smany stories in anthologies, magazines and online. Her novel of sibling hatred in the 1920s, The Bog Mermaid, is due for publication in the USA in 2025.