

Por Luke Samuel Yates

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What is Dynamo? It is the first full-length collection by an extraordinarily entertaining and exhilarating poet. Over the course of this book, things break down, start again, light up, get stuck. Relationships stagnate, mountains and seas diminish, White nationalists fall over in Blackpool, and a wealthy couple's house disappears one day, leaving them surrounded by their appliances, tanned and eating an egg. I'm always listening out for a new poet who can take the deceptively effortless, witty yet ultimately serious chops of the New York School, make it work for this generation and bring the whole thing in to land just outside a British city, losing nothing in transit. And God it's been worth the wait. This is a poetry of exquisite timing, with some of the most satisfying last lines I've ever read. Yates can take an everyday domestic detail and make it sparkle with the mystery of a Raedecker painting. – Luke Kennard

Luke Samuel Yates

Luke Samuel Yates lives and works in the North- West. A four-times Foyle Young Poet of the Year, his work has appeared in The Rialto, The North, THE SHOp, Magma, Smith s Knoll and on the London Underground. He launched and performed his first pamphlet, written in 21 days, from inside a wooden box. His second, The Pair of Scissors that Could Cut Anything, was published by The Rialto in 2013.