The Diamond Fairy Book

The Diamond Fairy Book

Por Frank C. Papé

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Now the King Of the North had a beautiful daughter called Crystal. Her eyes were bright like the stars; her hair was black like the sky at night and her skin was as white as the snow which covered the ground outside the palace where she lived, which was built entirely Of crystals clear as the clearest glass. And the King Of the South had a son who had been named Sunshine on account of his brightness and warmth of heart. The King of the East had a son who, because he was always up early and was very industrious, had been given the name Of Sunrise. The King Of the West also had a song perhaps the handsomest Of the three, and always magnificently dressed; but as it took him all day to make his toilette, so that he was never seen before evening, he received the name of Sunset. All the fairies from many countries are uniform with this volume.

Frank C. Papé