Mastering Anti NMDA Receptor Encephalitis

Mastering Anti NMDA Receptor Encephalitis

Por Azhar ul Haque Sario

Formato: EPUB  
Disponibilidad: Descarga inmediata


A rare autoimmune disease attacking the brain, anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis causes a range of psychiatric and neurological symptoms. This book offers hope and essential knowledge for patients, families, and healthcare professionals. Delve into the science behind the disease, emphasizing early diagnosis and optimal treatment. Discover standard treatments like immunotherapy, cutting-edge research, and a hypothetical new treatment. Explore holistic strategies like diet and stress management, plus the crucial roles of support systems. Real-life stories and practical advice empower patients and caregivers. A unique section focuses on the challenges and pathways to care in Pakistan. This is a call for awareness, better research, and collaboration to fight this disease.

Azhar ul Haque Sario

Hello, my name is Azhar ul Haque Sario and I am an author and publisher. I have written and published over 40 books on a variety of genres including non-fiction and fiction, such as finance, auditing, health, energy, romance, tragedy, crime, suspense, thriller, mystery, and more. My books can be found on various platforms, including Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Scribd, and more. They can also be found via Google search under Azhar ul Haque Sario, as I have successfully claimed Google's book knowledge and am a verified author. I am always exploring new genres to write on.