La tombe de Neferuhotep (I) et Nebunefer a Deir el Medina [No 6] et autres documents les concernant. Vol. I

La tombe de Neferuhotep (I) et Nebunefer a Deir el Medina [No 6] et autres documents les concernant. Vol. I

Memoires publies par les membres de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale

Por Delphine Driaux (Editor), Henri Wild

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For many years, the Theban tomb no. 6 belonging to Nefer-hotep (I) and Neb-nefer - two important figures from Deir el Medina who lived under the reigns of Horemheb and the first Ramessides - was only known through the drawings made by Henri Wild, which were published in 1979 (MIFAO 103/2). The Swiss Egyptologist worked until his death in 1983 on the text that was supposed to accompany these drawings, but the manuscript was never published. It was kept in the Archives and Collections Department of IFAO, and was "rediscovered" in 2011, during the reorganization of the department and the creation of a new inventory. Therefore, Wild's original text is published here for the first time, more than forty years after the publication of the drawings. It includes an architectural analysis, a detailed description of each of the walls, a translation of the texts, as well as studies on several documents relating to Nefer-hotep (I) and his son, Neb-nefer. In accordance with the researcher's wishes, various plans of the tomb and numerous photographs - unpublished to date - complete his work. This book, which is part of the long tradition of publishing the tombs of Deir el Medina, sheds light on the architecture, decoration and owners of a tomb that has remained hidden for too long.

Henri Wild