Book Power in Communication, Sociology and Technology

Book Power in Communication, Sociology and Technology

Philosophy, Communication and Media Sciences

Por Tereza Khecyoyan (Editor), Manolis Koukourakis (Editor), Angela Repanovici (Editor)

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In 2012, The Library of Congress (Washington, D.C., U.S.A.) had the initiative of organizing an annual meeting which would disseminate the vision of library leaders on the importance of the book. The meeting would gather all the categories involved in the book industry: writers, publishers, editors, professors, librarians. The goal was to create a platform for discussions on how to promote the book as a crucial element for culture and education enhancement. The power of information and its dissemination was discussed within the first edition, while keeping the book as a central element in all debates. After this first edition, the Summit of the book was organized yearly in different locations throughout the world: Singapore (2013), France (2014), Egypt (2015) and Ireland (2016). The event had a powerful international impact and in 2017 the 6th summit was hosted in Brasov (Romania) at the "Transilvania" University. This volume is the collection of the most valuable contributions to the 6th Summit of the Book where experts presented their best practices and expertise in the history and technology of the book, knowledge support, and book dissemination.

Angela Repanovici