The Book Brawal

The Book Brawal

Por Ilse Schwaiger

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The misery of a human and mankind cannot be eliminated by political, social or technological progress. All these developments seem to show the tendency of making existing problems worse. The imperfect human cannot pull himself out of his imperfection with his own strength. Only by turning inside, religio. The return to our own eternal origin and roots is the path we can take. The stopovers of such a path were shown to Ilse Schwaiger in 30 calls. From the beginning the author "knew" that these messages were also directed to herself and not only to other people. From the beginning she "knew" that it is her mission to spread these messages and make them known to as many people as possible. This book is not esoteric fast food. The reader should not only feel and experience the response to these calls in himself. The reader is asked to pass on the impulse and help others get acquainted with these thoughts. Ilse Schwaiger hopes that the reader of the "Book Brawal" will have the courage and strength to accomplish this and ? even more important ? she is certain that the real author of the 30 calls will stand by the side of the searching person.

Ilse Schwaiger

Am 30. August 1993, einem Montag, erfaßte mich zum ersten Mal der Aufruf „Schreib!“ Völlig verdutzt und unvorbereitet schaute ich zum Radio hinüber - es war aber gar nicht eingeschaltet. Auch von meinem Hund kam kein ungewöhnliches Geräusch - er schlief friedlich in seinem Körbchen. Beim zweiten „Schreib!“ spürte ich, daß eine ungeheure Energie über mich gekommen war, eine elementare Kraft, der ich unwiderruflich zu folgen hatte. Ich legte das, was ich gerade in der Hand hielt, beiseite und lief zu meinem Schreibsekretär. Fieberhaft, dabei angsterfüllt schluchzend, suchte ich mir Schreibutensilien zusammen. Mir fiel ein Schreibblock mit gelbkarierten Seiten in die Hände.